Sanjay Choubey, VP-IT, Briggs & Stratton
Dave Nickens, Mobile Director,
Shahid Nizami, APAC Managing Director, HubSpot [NYSE: HUBS]
David Beckerman, SVP & CIO, The Pasha Group
At a recent executive summit, I presented a historical perspective of IT spend layered across our enterprise business capabilities.
Lucas E. Wall, CEO, ROI Checker
In recent years we have seen significant scientific contributions to the field of human influence, which studies how the people we know and interact with influence the decisions we make.
Tim Collins, President, Aimia's Intelligent Shopper Solutions
Artificial Intelligence and machine learning provide insights at a level of granularity and speed that we would not have dreamed of even five years ago.
Matt Meier, VP & CIO, Whirlpool Corporation
The dawn of Cloud Computing, Big Data, Machine Learning, Mobile, IoT and myriad other over-used buzzwords have forever changed the opportunity.
Douglas Turk, Chief Marketing Officer, JLT Speciality
The retail insurance broking industry is facing an onslaught of new technologies with a promise of transformational change and value creation.
Katie William, Retail CIO Outlook
Today, the POS system has become cost-effective and user-friendly than it was ever before. The POS system can benefit the companies immensely as they will help them to check out every area of the business.
Stuart Freer, Chief Digital Officer, MECCA Brands
The problem with this statement, is that whilst it’s important to be in the detail, know everything about your business, it’s products and services and the customer, it often leads to what I have seen; analysis paralysis.
Matan Holander, VP Business Development
Business-to-business (B2B) e-commerce has evolved at multiple levels. Evidently, understanding the unique purchasing preferences of the modern day buyers have become increasingly critical to the long-term growth of B2B merchants.
Jennifer Rademacher, CIO, Fathead
Being a technology leader at one of the nation’s leading brands has definitely allowed me to see just how important IT is in the current ecommerce space.
Armin Roeseler, CIO, Swanson Health Products
Innovations create value propositions that people are willing to pay for.
Rohan Penman, Global Head of Technology, T2 Tea
Often solutions are not customer facing, but should aim to provide a seamless experience to ultimately benefit both the efficiency of the business and ultimately the customer.
William Morrell, CTO, Aptaris
Knowing consumers’ purchasing habits, how they prefer to shop, when and why are critical to profitability and growth.
Michael Fagan, Chief Technology Officer, Kmart Australia
When Adapt surveyed more than 100 Australian CIOs in 2019 there were some interesting, if not surprising, results. More than 50 per cent believed they had too much data making it unwieldy and difficult to analyse, nearly 60 per cent
Defect management is a challenge for software development projects. So how are they going to resolve all the bugs and defects?
Jess O’Reilly, Regional Vice President, Marketing Cloud, Asia, Salesforce
To successfully deliver the experience customers want, brands must start by addressing concerns and fears of consumers in exchange for customer trust and their willingness to provide data.